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Dr. Chiara Decaroli

Large panel developed for a series of articles
Series of portraits of physicist who spent part of their research time at ETH Zurich, to accompany a series of articles.

Illustrating entanglement between qubits
Exploratory study into the topic of entanglement. Each qubit is represented by its Bloch's sphere.

Illustration for the EeroQ Quantum Hardware website
One of a series of illustrations for the EeroQ Quantum Hardware company website, to be shown on the "How it works" page.

Integrated wavguides ion trap press release
Illustration of integrated photonics ion trap, for a press release on the ETH Zurich website, commissioned.

Illustration of the concept of quantum superposition
Exploratory study into the topic of entanglement. Each qubit is represented by its Bloch's sphere.
Science explainers, scientific writing, posters, social media strategy

Infographic on quantum computing with trapped ions

Map of quantum
A visual explainer I used while teaching a Bachelor's course on Quantum Physics at ETH Zurich.

One of my scientific posters
I have won two awards for my scientific posters, get in touch if you'd like me to help you!
Workshops, events and videos
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